Primary Class, #003
September Class News
Dear Parents,
Whew! Well, it looks as if we all have survived the first few weeks of school. I have truly enjoyed getting to know all our new children and their families as well as welcoming back all of our returning children and their families. I would also like to welcome back Ms. Addie, who has worked with me for the last four years, Ms. Bonnie, who had been in our classroom the year before and who is now back and Ms. Paula, who is volunteering as an assistant in our classroom while doing her Montessori internship. We are getting used to the new and old routines of arrival, dismissal, Thursday folders, canvas totes, etc.,etc.,etc. and things are really starting to settle in. It does feel as if we are in a sea of little ones but they are all doing wonderfully well. I look forward to a fun year of learning with you and your children.
Sorry that this letter is a bit long and repetitious but I wanted to make sure that you have all the information you need as we start this new school year.
**Non-Student Contact Day
ECE teachers and paraprofessionals are required to have staff development focused for this age group. Our first training is scheduled for Tuesday, September 20, 2011 . This will be a no school day for all Montessori Preschool children. Please mark this on your calendars now.
**Nut Allergy
We now have three students in our classroom who are highly allergic to nuts of any kind. This is a very serious health issue for these students. We are asking you to not send nuts of any kind as snacks for your children. Also, please read labels carefully as many granola bars have nuts or are processed with peanut or nut oils. If your child brings a snack with nuts as an ingredient or part of its processing, we will be sending the snack back home and will provide your child with an alternate snack for that day. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
**Water Bottles
We would like all children to bring a water bottle to school on Mondays to use in the classroom during the week. We will send water bottles home on Fridays to be washed and returned on the following Monday. This is especially important during these hot, end of summer days. We are trying to cut down on the paper cup waste we have. Water in paper cups will still be served when your child is having snack. The rest of the day, their water bottles will always be available to them.
**Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival and dismissal are going very well. Thank you for your patience and support as we help our little ones adjust to the routines.
**ECE Forms/Classroom Funds
Our three and four year old children must turn in all paperwork ASAP. Our program is licensed by the state and it is a state regulation that we have this paperwork in your child’s file. If you are missing any forms we will be contacting you at arrival/dismissal times.
Also, don’t forget that we ask parents of Kindergarten children to contribute $35.00 and parents of Preschool children to contribute $25.00 to the classroom fund for consumables and supplies. If you haven’t sent this in yet please do so.
**Scholastic Books
We will be sending Scholastic book orders home with your child monthly. Scholastic Books offers quality paperbacks at reasonable prices. We enjoy the added plus that Scholastic offers bonus points with your orders to obtain books and materials free for the classroom. So we really appreciate all your orders. We are offering you the opportunity to order books from Scholastic on line if that would be more convenient for you. A letter was sent home with your child that explains how to order on line. If you would rather order on paper, turn in your order and make your check payable to Scholastic Books, Inc. Send checks or monies in an envelope marked Scholastic Book Order, Ms. Therese, and Room 003. All orders are due this Friday, September, 3.
**What is news? For New Parents
News is an oral language experience designed to give the children an opportunity to talk about an object they bring from home and to answer questions the other children ask. Six children a day are allowed to participate in this process. The children sign in on the News book as they arrive in the classroom. Participation is decided on a first come, first served basis. Children are allowed one turn per week. If News is full and a child has brought an item, they are welcome to bring it another day. We will again be using the alphabet sounds to guide your child’s choice of News items. News will officially begin on Tuesday, September 6. The sound for the first week is ‘a’ as in apple. The sound of the week will be posted on our arrival door. We ask that you help your child choose an item that begins with the sound of the week. Also, help your child think of clues such as what color the object is, or what the item is used for, as your child will keep their item hidden and give these clues to the children at News. The children will then guess what the item is. News items will be available to take home from the News basket at dismissal. If you have any questions, just give me a call.
Thank you for your support as we begin this school year. Please feel free to contact me at school anytime you have questions or concerns. Dismissal times are good times to catch me or you can call and leave a message at school for me to call you. The school’s number is (720)424-5990. Also, you may email me at
Ms. Therese, Ms. Addie, Ms. Bonnie and Ms. Paula