Montessori Primary #003 – Mrs. Therese Hester
March Parent Letter
Dear Parents,
February just whizzed by. Valentine’s Day was heart warming as we exchanged our hand made valentines. We began our trip through the solar system with Ms. Frizzle, finished our study of reptiles, rolled around in every snow storm that came our way and worked on our class auction project! I truly enjoyed discussing your children’s progress with you during Parent/Teacher Conferences. I want to thank all of you for your support
In March we will focus on our next vertebrate, birds and we will continue our trip through the solar system. Our focus in geography will be the continent of Europe . In the Practical Life area we will be making ants on a log for our food preparation work. With the coming of spring Botany will be another focus of the cultural area. We will be sprouting beans and learning about the growth cycle of plants. Spring brings much growth in nature and I anticipate much growth as well in our classroom.
Parent Observations
This is still a great time to observe our class in action. I find that visiting the classroom always helps parents have a better understanding of their child and the Montessori classroom. Just let me know when you plan to come. 30 – 45 minutes is usually plenty of time and from is the best time to observe. I will always take a few minutes to answer your questions. You may leave a message at school, email me ( or catch me at your child’s dismissal time to set up an observation. Thank you to all parents who have come to observe already.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders will be due this Friday, March 9. Either turn in your paper order forms or order on line. Our class code is GNGBW.
Thank You
Thanks to Charlie’s Mom for providing our Valentines treat. Thanks to our faithful reading parents, Amy Traplani-Bowen, Jennifer Reynolds, Cori and Cameron Pope, and Kelly Maestas. Your dedication has helped all our readers grow in their love of books. Thanks to the Martino family for donating a fish and tank to our classroom. Our parents are the best!
Don’t forget that this Saturday is the School Auction. We have some incredibly cute stools up for grabs that the children have made. Also, my husband and I and Cori and Cameron Pope will be taking a group of 12 lucky children to the zoo! Look for all the details in your auction book. I hope to see you all there!
Spring here we come,
Ms. Therese, Ms. Addie, Ms. Bonnie and Ms. Paula